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One of the contractors refuses disclose fee structure

One of the contractors refuses disclose fee structure

We’re having a 12-month contract with one of our contractors that already ends but entered auto-renewal period. However, the contractor doesn’t disclose their new fees of service and just tells us the fees will be adjusted. Is it legal?

As a consumer, I remember I had experience with Consumer Protection Ontario that an agreement should explicitly outline fees, if it expires, a new contract should kick in.

If that contract has auto renewal period without specifying the price growth in the contract it should be renewed with the same terms. If the quantity of services are changed a new price should be arranged. Yes, Willow, you are right, based on Consumer Protection Act all the services fees must be disclosed. But a company might not want to disclose their own cost. It is OK. They usually disclose their fees to create trust with a client.

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